New Matter joins the consumer 3D printer race


The new compact 3D printer costs $249 The Mod-t uses a 2-axis movement system that supports the structure plate with few components and moves simultaneously The Indiegogo campaign has raised more than half in a single day

Apparently, New Matter is determined that everyone has a 3D printer.

The startup has started accepting orders for its new mod-ta 3D printercompactby less than 200 dollars on Indiegogo.

The 3d printers allow users to create a physical object using a digital design, while print thin layers of a material (for example, plastic filament) one on top of the other until the object is complete.

3D printerMicro, the first 3D printer of consumption.

The Mod-t by New Matter uses a 2 axis motion system It supports the structure board with few components and moves simultaneouslyto print more consistently.

Most importantly, this configuration makes the printer cheaper that most of 3d printers in the market.

The startup is also working with design company frog to create tools and applications that improve the experience 3D printer for users.

The team is trying to raise $375,000 to start production. The campaign on indiegogo It’s only been active for a day and has already raised just over half, so we wouldn’t be surprised if it achieves its goal ahead of schedule.

to the first 500 users they were allowed to compromise only 149 dollars to qualify for a unit, however that option it’s already sold out. Now, the minimum that can be offered for a unit is the standard price of $249.

The delivery is planned for April 2015.
