Medicine Ball Throws to Boost Metabolism with High Intensity Exercise


Tamara Villa

medicine ball throws They are an excellent form of upper body plyometric training designed to improve overall power and strength. Movement can help increase overall athletic performance, improve cardiovascular conditioning, and build multidirectional core strength, but also
speed up metabolism and lose weight while you discharge adrenaline.

Although they do involve throws, they are not just an arm exercise, but actually
work your whole body. Your lower body and core have to be engaged and help protect your spine as you throw. Your cardiovascular system also has to work hard to keep up with energy demands, revving up your metabolism to burn important calories.

It is an excellent option to include in a
high intensity interval training routine (HIIT) or to finish strength training. If you have a good basic level of
strength trainingDon’t hesitate to add medicine ball toss to your regular exercise routine.

How to do medicine ball throws well

All you need to throw correctly is a little bit of
open space (not much is required either) and
a medicine ball. To begin, stand tall with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your knees and hips slightly bent holding a medicine ball with both hands at your torso. Engage your core and roll your shoulders back to start with perfect posture.

Woman with medicine ball/PEXELS

Squat down slightly to load the weight, then in one powerful movement, inhale and press through your heels before rising onto the balls of your feet.
Extend your knees and hips as you rise to enhance the upward movement of the arms and raise the medicine ball overhead.

The ball must be c
so straight on your head with arms outstretched at the height of the movement. Keeping your arms straight, not leaning back so the ball is behind you, and use your core and arms to throw the medicine ball down between your feet with as much force as you can. Press your hips back and bend your knees to further power the throw. Exhale as you throw the ball down.

squat down to pick up the ball from the ground, then immediately move on to the next throw using force through your calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes to stand up. Rise up on the balls of your feet as you raise the medicine ball overhead and continue with a full set of tosses, either a number of repetitions or a time interval.

This exercise involves
forceful pitchesSo if you have a weak core or lower back or shoulder pain, wait until you feel stronger and injury free to try it. Start with a lightweight medicine ball to see how it works. If you feel pain while performing the movement, wait before adding it to your regular routine.

Woman with medicine ball/PEXELS

Medicine Ball Toss Benefits

Medicine ball shots really
involve almost all major muscle groups, making them a great addition to high-intensity training routines. Now only the upper body, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, and upper back are involved in the lifting and throwing phases of the exercise.

But it turns out that the
lower body and core they must also be involved to provide the power and spring in the lift and toss. This is an exercise that requires a coordinated effort between the upper and lower body to maintain the flow of the exercise.

And another no less benefit: you can also
activate your metabolism. Incorporating powerful, repetitive full-body exercises into your routine causes your cardiovascular system to work harder to provide oxygen to the muscles involved, especially when you exercise for a sustained period of time. Indeed: it will help you lose weight.
