Pliè squat: the ‘artistic’ variant of a classic exercise that helps you better tone your core and glutes


Tamara Villa

plie squat It is a perfect exercise for beginners and is excellent to include in all types of training, as well as a warm-up, due to the many benefits it offers. Let’s say it’s a
‘artistic’ variant of the traditional exerciseas the name of pliè itself suggests, one of the best-known positions in ballet.

If you add this evolution of the traditional squat, you will find a very complete exercise because you will
tone and strengthen glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, and core in one go. And of course you’re going to
burn more fatwhich can help you watch your weight.

What is a pliè squat

A pliè squat is a squat performed with the feet out, often at a 90-degree angle, which is a popular move in barre and yoga routines. It helps strengthen and tone many parts of your body and also offers the added benefit of
open up the hips and help improve range of motion from that area.

Woman doing pliè/PEXELS squat

Pliè squats are a
variation of normal air squats and are sometimes confused with sumo squats. Although they are similar, there are some subtle differences between the two. Sumo squat is a term commonly used to describe a wide squat. Your feet assume a wide stance as you crouch.

Your feet will likely be turned, but often not to the same extent as with the pliè squat. On the contrary,
turn feet as close to 90 degrees as possible creates the iconic posture of the plié squat and, as a result, generates a very different squat posture. It is also commonly associated with a posterior calf raise, which requires good balance.

How to do a pliè squat

The first thing you have to do to execute a pliè squat is stand tall with your
feet about shoulder width apart. Place your toes at a 45-90 degree angle and your thighs parallel to the ground. The further out your feet are, the more difficult it will be to do.

Your knees should be slightly bent but your back should be straight. Place your hands on the hips or thighs and
engage your core. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower yourself into a squatting position. Keep your back straight and hold the position for a few seconds. Return to standing position by pushing down on the floor.

Benefits of pliè squats

The benefits of pliè squats include a
increased lower body strength, core stability, better balance, better posture, toned legs and buttocks, better flexibility and a greater range of motion. It’s a great exercise because
works many things at many levels.

Woman doing pliè/PEXELS squat

On the other hand, pliè squats require your
quads, glutes and hamstrings work in unison to lower and rise in and out of a squat. This strengthens them and helps build muscle. Also, by having your feet turned out, you will naturally create an imbalance compared to a normal squat. This will force your body to adapt to avoid falling and will help
promote better balance.

One of the main muscle groups that will help
create stability during the pliè squat and that will help you avoid falling are the core muscles. They will be engaged for the duration of the movement, helping to develop a stronger core.

This variant of the squat requires a straight back and promotes
good posture throughout the movement. Since this one focuses on the lower body, pliè squats are a great way to tone your legs and glutes. And since having the feet turned out opens the hips and
improves flexibility and range of motion, this is really beneficial for the lower body and can help promote better mobility in all kinds of activities.
