Skull crusher, the exercise that Queen Letizia does to define the shoulders and triceps


Tamara Villa

extension of triceps lying down is an isolation exercise that develops the triceps at the back of the upper arm. It is also called
skull crusheror skull crusher, but don’t worry: if you use the right technique you can incorporate it into a training
fitness of the upper body without problems even if you are a beginner.

what you have to do is
lie on your back on a flat gym bench. Your entire body should be on the bench, except for your lower legs. Your
knees are
bent with your
feet flat on the ground. The arms are extended above the chest, the
elbows are placed
shoulder width apart and both hands hold one end of a

How to do Skull Crusher right

Starting from that sitting position,
flex your elbows and lower the weight to the top of the head. The
upper part of your arms should remain relatively
perpendicular to your body. This keeps the
strain in the
triceps instead of transferring it to the shoulders. She continues to lower her weight behind her head.

dumbbell head bottom must be
aligned with the
bench top, or even a little higher if you feel that it is difficult for you to complete it. Reverse the movement until the
weight this
above the chest in the original starting position. Avoid locking the elbow to maintain tension on the triceps muscle.

You can do skull crushers while holding
one dumbbell with both hands or, if you want to use more weight, you can hold
two dumbbells, one in each hand. It is an exercise that admits variations according to your state of form or the objectives that you have set for yourself with your training.

Woman with dumbbells/PEXELS

Skull Crusher Benefits

The Skull Crusher, or Skull Crusher, is a pushing exercise that
isolates the triceps brachii, working it from the elbow to the latissimus dorsi muscle of the back. The triceps brachii contains
three heads which you can aim for by doing several lying triceps extension variations.

You can use this exercise to
correct triceps imbalances, for the rehabilitation of injuries or as part of a bodybuilding routine. You use your triceps for both
push as to pullso strengthening them makes it easier to perform everyday activities like pushing a loaded grocery cart or lifting the sheets when making the bed.

There are other forms of triceps extensions, such as the
overhead extension, which can be an alternative. Both extensions work the triceps in a similar way. An advantage of the lying triceps extension is that
does not put pressure on the wristsso it becomes an exercise suitable for beginners if you master the technique.

Lying Triceps Extension Variations

There are many ways to do this exercise, so you can choose the lying triceps extension variation that works best for you. If you don’t have a weight bench, you can do this exercise
on the floor. you just have to have
be careful when losing weight behind his head. You won’t be able to lower it that far without hitting the ground.

Woman training with dumbbells/PEXELS

Some people find it easier to do skull crushers with a
bar than with a dumbbell. However, using a barbell puts more stress on your wrists, so this is something to keep in mind. you may need
strengthen your wrists before using a bar. You can also perform skull crushers in a
inclined benchwhich will affect different areas of the triceps.

Common mistakes

It is essential to maintain a
firm grip to prevent the weight from accidentally slipping from your hands and potentially causing damage or injury to your head or face. If this worries you, it may be good for you
increase your grip strength before starting this exercise.

In addition to keeping a firm grip, try to
do not lower the weight towards the face or the forehead. Instead, it should be brought to
behind your head. Also, be careful not to hit the back of your neck when you lift the dumbbell back to the starting position. Don’t be scared, it’s something difficult to happen.

You can keep the
hands shoulder width apart during this movement. This helps reduce stress on the elbow joints. However, the way you hold the weight
depends on your anatomy and preference, as long as you do not feel pain or discomfort. Do not be afraid even if you are a beginner.
