CaixaBank wants your mobile to be a dataphone and has launched an app to achieve it


Smartphone POS is the new application that CaixaBank has launched to enable the self-employed or small businesses to receive payments by turning the smartphone into a data phone.

Paying with your mobile has become as common as sending a message on WhatsApp. It is no longer rare to take the device out of the front pocket of the pants and bring it closer to the dataphone for the transaction to be carried out. Of course, using a telephone as a data phone is something unusual and CaixaBank wants to put an end to this.

Yes, the bank wants your phone to become a dataphone and you can charge whoever you want. This novelty, for the moment, will only be available to install on Android phones and, in fact, it will be mandatory to install a different application from the CaixaBank one. The application is called ‘Smartphone POS’.

CaixaBank has released a statement in which it explains the reasons behind launching this application. The main reason is that it is an application made for businesses, professionals and freelancers. Yes, the sector of workers who usually need payment methods with which to carry out the necessary transactions to obtain income.

It is clear that the aim is to facilitate the collection of the different clients that businesses or self-employed persons of any kind may have. It will no longer be necessary to wait for a transfer since payments can be made instantly through direct payment as if it were a dataphone or POS.

Smartphone POS is the new CaixaBank application so that the mobile becomes a dataphone

The Smartphone POS application is compatible with Visa and Mastercard cards, which makes it possible to pay using credit and debit cards and, of course, the same, only integrated into the mobile device thanks to Wallet for Android or Apple Pay. In addition, a purchase ticket can also be generated.

Of course, the ticket will not be printed since in the end the Smartphone POS application is on a mobile device that does not have printing capabilities. What the application offers is to show the ticket on the screen so that the customer can check the transaction, email the ticket or generate a QR code with the ticket.

CaixaBank is the first Spanish bank to bring this new feature which, although it is not new, is very interesting. Apple has Tap to Pay that already works in the United States and turns the iPhone into a POS. Now, thanks to the Smartphone POS application, this can be done with an Android mobile in Spain.
