Abduction exercises, functional training that strengthens the buttocks and stylizes the legs


Tamara Villa

abduction It is the movement of a limb away from the midline of the body. While you do this every day without even thinking about it (when you’re driving your car, for example), intentionally incorporating abduction exercises into your fitness work can help you
strengthen the muscle groups relatedpreferably buttocks and legs, which makes it easier to perform routine tasks and at the same time improves your general physical condition.

Every movement you make can be described as forward or backward,
moving away from or approaching a certain point, and being in one plane in opposition to another. A complete routine involves exercises that target every muscle, every movement, and every plane of motion. This helps you
increase your strength and it is the essence of functional training.

The abduction is only
one of these types of essential movements. Raising the arms out to the side, turning the wrist so that the palm of the hand faces forward, kicking one leg out to the side, pulling the knees away, or spreading the fingers and toes are all examples of abduction.

Muscles commonly targeted by abductor exercises include the
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, sartorius, and tensor muscles of the fascia lata. This muscle group helps you perform many tasks, from walking (hip abduction) to reaching for an object (shoulder abduction) and much more.

abduction vs. adduction

While abduction is concerned with movements of the limbs away from the body, adduction is the complete opposite:
move a limb toward the midline of the body. The two terms sound very similar and it is easy to confuse them. Both comprise a complete movement.

Woman in sportswear/PEXELS

This means what to do
one automatically implies that you will perform the other, giving your muscles the same attention. For example, when you spread your legs apart and raise your arms to jump, that’s abduction. When you bring your arms back to your sides and bring your legs together to start over, that’s adduction.

Abduction (and adduction) exercises
can help prevent injury. Muscles that are underused lose their strength (atrophy), and weak muscles are more prone to injury. In some cases, trainers and therapists use these exercises to help people recover from injuries and decrease pain.

abduction exercises

Depending on the areas of the body you are concentrating on, abduction exercises
can improve everything from coordination to core stability. There are many ways to make abduction exercises part of your exercise routine, and one of the most basic is the lateral raise. When you lift dumbbells with your arms straight at your sides, the action targets the deltoid muscles with a shoulder abduction movement.

Another example is the
bent arm lateral raise. With your elbows bent at 90 degrees, hold the dumbbells in front of you. Use shoulder abduction to rotate your lower arms so that the dumbbells are parallel to the floor but still at shoulder height. These raises work the muscles of the upper back (trapezius) and the deltoid muscles of the upper arms.

Woman training/PEXELS

standing leg raises are great. It means moving the leg to the side working the hip abductors. Try performing the move with a resistance band. You can do the exercise standing up, to work on your balance, or you can also do it lying down. The bent leg raise is a variation of this exercise and is performed with the torso leaning forward. Doing this also works the glutes and makes the exercise more challenging.

And you also have the
seated side step. Stand on a chair, place a resistance band around your thighs, and move one foot out as if you were taking a side step. You can also add lateral squats (performing a squat with a side step) to work the gluteal, hip, and thigh muscles.
