These 3D-printed houses take just 4 days to build


This new project creates wooden houses thanks to 3D printing with a slight impact on the environment and which are built in just 4 days.

3D printing has emerged as a promising technology with the potential to tackle big challenges like housing. Although it is still in the development and experimentation phases, Huge strides have been made in 3D printing new homes.

For example, green and sustainable housing is already being developed using 3D printing technology under the umbrella of the “Factory of the Future” project at the University of Maine. These houses of about 180 square meters, are composed of wood fibers and waste from sawmills, known as bio-resins.

This new type of home is a breakthrough considering how current 3D technology is used to build homes as it often requires excessively polluting materials to produce.

They explain that traditional construction generates 27% of the gases that warm the planet worldwide, but This novelty, however, is much cleaner and, for example, does not use concrete, but rather wooden components, except for the foundations.

3d printed houses

The first fully 3D printed house was shown to the public in Beckum, Germany in 2021. According to an article by habitatMaine Governor Janet Mills said homes like these could be a solution to the area’s housing shortage.

“We are much faster in construction”, Korte told Deutsche Welle. The 3D printed house of the German architect Waldemar Korte sand built in 4 days. “We need fewer people, and that helps when there is a shortage of skilled people in the industry”. He further adds that this method of building houses may become cheaper than traditional methods in the next 5 years.

Can 3D printing help solve the housing crisis?

As already proven, one of the main advantages of 3D printing in home construction is its ability to speed up the process and reduce costs. By using specialized 3D printers, complete structures can be built faster and more efficiently than traditional construction methods.

In addition, the automation provided by 3D printing makes it possible to reduce reliance on labor and possible human errors.

Ford uses 3D printers for its designs

This technology, on the other hand, also offers flexibility in terms of design and customizationsince they can be adapted to different needs and requirements, which gives the possibility to create affordable and customized housing solutions for specific areas.

Also, using sustainable and recyclable materials can have a really positive impact on the environment.

Although the 3D printing of houses shows great potential, there are still problems that must be overcome. More research and testing is needed to ensure the long-term durability and safety of 3D-printed homes, though time seems to be on their side.

According to UN-Habitat – the United Nations Human Settlements Program –approximately 3 billion people will need housing by the end of this decade. This is why 3D printing technology in housing construction is presented as an efficient and sustainable solution to address this growing demand.
