Bizum launches an exclusive function for some users: are you one of them?


The latest news from Bizum has arrived so that when it comes to sharing expenses, payments are much easier to make between different people.

Bizum is one of the most popular and used payment platforms in Spain. This allows both sending and receiving money instantly, safely and free of charge between users of different banks. Having so many features, it is not surprising that more and more new features are arriving to improve the secure payment experience.

Now Bizum launches a new feature, although only for some users. This novelty can only be used by those users who have an account with CaixaBank. Normally, Bizum news was integrated in a common way in all devices, being accessible to any type of user.

Shared payment of bills through Bizum. Yes, the novelty is that, now, the different common expenses can be distributed to several people through a general payment between the different people with the use of Bizum to be able to settle the debt. It is a novelty that aims to improve the experience of paying common expenses.

Payment of the shared apartment through Bizum is now possible. The person will only need to access the bank’s application, where they will find the new option and when activated, they will be able to consult the operation, which will allow them to know the total amount to be paid without having to remember the exact amount of this receipt.

Bizum adds a new functionality to make quick payments

Quick payments of common expenses with the new from Bizum. This new way of distributing common expenses will be done through the ‘My Receipts’ section found within the CaixaBank application. This will be the section in which you will find the option to distribute the expense through Bizum.

Paying a receipt through Bizum has never been so easy. After seeing the receipt, what the user can do is modify the amount that has to be requested from the person or persons with whom they share said expense. This request for money will be sent automatically when it is confirmed that everything is satisfied and all that remains is to wait for the payment.

CaixaBank launches a novelty in Bizum. Taking into account how useful this feature can be, now we just have to wait and see how it works in real life and, above all, if other banks decide to bet on this novelty that can be so useful to users when distributing expenses in your day to day and for payments of certain importance such as rent.
