Cross training, the high-intensity exercise routine that accelerates metabolism, helps you lose localized fat and improves physical performance


Elena Romero Vargas

There is virtue in variety, and that maxim also applies to sport. If we always repeat the same routine, sooner or later we will end up tired and bored, and if these are the prevailing feelings, you may end up throwing in the towel and losing this habit. So that this does not happen, we present the
cross trainingthe key to finding the motivation you need to play sports and
arrive motivated to all your workouts.

The goal of cross training is
improve the performance of your sporting activity. Therefore, this training is perfect to combine it with your usual routine and give the exercise a plus of effectiveness. It is a
high intensity workout that contemplates exercises such as running, the elliptical, swimming or skiing, among others. You just need to combine it with your usual training to relieve the load of it and
boost profits in your body.

When we focus only on one exercise, it is very likely that the body will end up overloaded and the result may not be as positive as you expect. If you include cross training in your daily activity you will get
add variety and excitement to training. Not only will it make your sport time more fun, you will also be able to enhance its benefits.

Benefits of Cross Training

By including variety in training, you not only get extra motivation, you also prevent the muscle from getting used to it and
stimulate motor patterns. In this way, when you surprise the body with a different way of working certain muscles, the effort that is made is greater and, therefore, its performance will also be greater.

Woman in sportswear stretching/PEXELS

Combining several sports disciplines helps to
ease the burden and avoid injury. When we force the muscle too much with a certain exercise that affects it especially, it is much more likely that some type of injury will occur. Therefore, by including variety, you alternate the load on different muscle groups and
you get a more efficient job with less risk of injury.

But without a doubt, the biggest advantage of incorporating cross training into your routine is the dynamism it brings. Thanks to the alternation of exercises
monotony will not be contemplated in your sporting moment and, therefore, it will be much more attractive to you when doing sports. It is not only beneficial for your body, but also for your mind, which will be seen
much more motivated with this system.

How to Incorporate Cross Training

Cross training is very easy to incorporate, because, after all, it has no more complication than that which is intrinsic to the modality you want to include. you just need
control the technique of the sport you choose and alternate it with your usual training. Of course, make sure that the chosen discipline is related to the objectives of your usual work.

Woman cycling/PEXELS

It is always a good time to incorporate cross training, although it would be best to do it when you go to
resume your physical activity to start with motivation. Start little by little
a couple of days a week add a couple of complementary exercises to your routine, and as your body conditions, increase the level and intensity.

aerobic sports such as swimming, running, cycling or spinning are ideal for this workout, as they work all muscle groups and are perfect for accelerating metabolism and burning calories. The
strength exerciseseither lighter such as the incorporation of dumbbells into the routine or more intense such as crossfit, they are also ‘perfect for this objective.
