Forrest yoga: this is how you unite breathing, strength and muscular integrity to improve physical and emotional balance


Tamara Villa

The call
Forrest Yoga was created by the instructor
anna forrest and accumulated a rich tapestry of yoga practices aimed at
healing when addressing the
physical, emotional and spiritual needs of modern people. It is currently a variant in increasing popularity for its curative and healing profile for mind and body.

Forrest Yoga is based on
four pillars fundamental. First is the
breathing, to connect in feeling with one’s own body and ignite the passion for living. Then the
force through intense central sequences and long poses that generate heat and heighten the senses.

Third is the
integrity by working with the limits of one’s practice, particularly around physical and emotional injuries, developing tools to deal with fear and struggle. And finally there is the
spirit to create a unique feeling of freedom.

Forrest Yoga training

The training is structured as a
long healing ceremony. The class each morning begins with the
meditationcalling the four directions and the sacred ones, and singing
native songs while the drums are played. you are called to
yearn for your spirit through breathing, mindfulness and yoga.

Woman doing yoga/PEXELS

Forest yoga includes
postures or movements aimed at
treat many
common ailmentssuch as lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, or weakness as a result of injury. It is a variant of yoga that
has very present the
practitioner difficulties to adapt to them and help in their healing.

classes include
highly creative sequences and generally adopt a kind of
common thread, often building a variety of maximum poses. This means that there is never
two teachers or equal classes and
weeklyas teacher and student, there is an opportunity to
Try something new.

At Forrest Yoga, the
styles and the
intensities of the classes can
vary widely, from slower movements, hatha-style or standing poses, to long sun salutations, inversions, twists and backbends. Many people like to think that Forrest Yoga has a component of
adventure which makes it very exciting.

Forest yoga includes
pranayamameditation, chakras, sun salutations, standing and balancing postures,
balance sheets and arm inversions, twists and pushups, plus vinyasa. It is also based on a
variety of accessorieswall poses, as well as p
couple oses and practical assistance.

Woman doing yoga/PEXELS

The benefits of Forest Yoga

The first thing you will notice is a
increased strength and flexibility, since the postures are maintained for a longer time, are repeated frequently and gradually deepen. you learn to
adapt your practice to the injuries as wellknow what you have and create new awareness and new strength in pranayama.

you are going to buy one
greater confidence in
investments and
swinging of arms, together with a new joy and passion for intensity. Because yes: get ready for
sweat. You are going to gift your body with a wide variety of tools and practices and give it an opportunity for a deep
healing and
emotional release.

Forrest yoga not only offers intensity and depth for those who love to sweat, but needs
instructors who know how to work with injuries and even how to work with the elderly or those with trauma or illness. The important thing is to look for the instructor or the
proper class for you.
