Hammer Curl: The Ultimate Exercise for Stronger, Toner Arms


Tamara Villa

hammer curl is a variation of the bicep curl and focuses on the
muscles of the
top and bottom of arm. Although this exercise is almost always performed with
dumbbellsyou can also do it with
cables either
bands. The hammer curl is a great addition to your strength routine to work your upper body.

To do a hammer curl well, the first thing you need to do is get into the
straight legs (but not stiff or locked) and the
knees aligned below the hips. Your arms are by your side with a dumbbell in each hand and the
dumbbells rest next to the
external part of the
thigh. Your palms face your thighs, your thumbs face forward, and your shoulders are relaxed.

Bend the elbow, raising the forearms to
pull the weights to the shoulders. Your upper arms should remain neutral with your wrists in line with your forearms. Stay for a second at the top of the movement. Your
thumbs they will be
near the shoulderss and the
palms intowards the midline of the body. Finally, lower the weights to return to the starting position. Remember to involve the
ABS throughout the exercise to prevent movement in the lower back as you raise and lower the weights.

Benefits of hammer curls

A hammer curl works the
brachial biceps. This muscle is considered a “vanity muscle” because it is easily visible on the face.
front of the body. People seeking a muscular appearance often focus on the biceps to present a
more athletic appearance.

Woman training arms/PEXELS

Within the body, the biceps brachii is a
elbow flexor, which means that it is responsible for the flexion movement of the joint. Also helps
rotate forearm. In everyday movements, strong biceps help you lift and carry heavy objects. These muscles also help with other
arm-based movementssuch as closing a door or pulling objects towards or through your body.

The hammer curl is a form
simple and
very effective to build stronger biceps muscles and provide greater definition and greater strength. Including it in your exercise program can also help
increase stability of the wrist and
improve grip strength.

Common mistakes

It is important to perform the hammer curl with the
proper technique to maximize its effectiveness. The use of
impulse decrease your ability to develop strength with this exercise. The movements of
swinging they can also put you in
increased risk of injury because you lose control when the impulse prevails.

You can tell if you are using momentum if you start the exercise by leaning over.
slightly forward and placing the
weights behind the hips. This body position helps prepare you for the workload. Using boost is often a sign that you are
lifting too much weight. If you notice that you are out of breath before each repetition, decrease the weight and
focus on technique.

Woman in sportswear/PEXELS

The hammer curl employs a
relatively small range of motion. Therefore, it is easy to perform this exercise with
speed and use
dizzying movements, especially during the descent phase. Taking your time going up and down allows you to control your movements and focus on technique. reduce the
speed of your movements also adds more challenge because you have to engage the muscles for a longer period of time.

It is also easy to let
elbows they are located
away from the body during the curl. While this does work other muscles in the lift, such as the
deltoid (shoulders), the more you engage other muscles,
less you will work with the biceps. Try to keep your elbows in a stable, locked position and focus on moving only your lower arm during the hammer curl. If you can’t lift the weight without moving your elbow, you’re
lifting too much weight.

When you first start out, try to make d
series of 7 to 10 repetitions each. As you get stronger and more flexible, add repetitions first. Then add more weight. If you are new to this or any weight training exercise, try the
weightless movements (or with very little weight) to feel comfortable with the movement.
