The 5 books to read in summer during the holidays this 2023


Elena Romero Vargas

The long-awaited holidays are finally here! And with them, a few days ahead in which you will be able to enjoy all those activities that the frenetic rhythm of the routine does not allow you to do, among them,
the reading. And is there a greater pleasure than lying under the sun, with the sound of the sea in the background, reading a good story that hooks you? We believe not.

However, we are also very aware that at this time when relaxation is the most coveted state, a dense and cumbersome book can have just the opposite effect. Summer vacations are moments where
light books are much better receiveds. Be careful, this does not imply that it is bad literature, because among these books you can find stories and feelings that have you completely hooked and that contribute to the memory of having spent the best vacations of your life.

If you have been fantasizing about this moment all year but now at the gates of your holidays you don’t know very well what to read, we bring you a selection of five light books with which you will live a series of adventures, you will fall in love and discover unusual corners
without getting up from the towel.

Reading club for broken hearts, Mónica Gutiérrez

Reading club for broken hearts, Mónica Gutiérrez

Abril is a girl who, after receiving several blows from life, accepts her grandmother’s offer to take refuge in her town in exchange for fulfilling various tasks, including reopening the local book club. Yet the peace she thought she had found
vanishes when Álex and his enigmatic past appear in her life.

‘Book Club for Clueless Hearts’ by Mónica Gutiérrez is one of those stories that make you rush every hour of the day to be glued to it.
Love, intrigue and ghosts from the past that come to light are the ingredients of this endearing book.

The Bone Thief, Manel Loureiro

The Bone Thief, Manel Loureiro

Would you embark on the most macabre adventure to rescue the person you love? Laura, the protagonist of Manel Loureiro’s book, can be seen at this juncture, who after suffering an accident that leaves her with amnesia only finds in Carlos, her boyfriend, an anchor with the past that she forgot. But everything changes when Carlos disappears and the condition to see him again is to steal the relics of the Apostle Santiago.

Thriller lovers will devour this novel of intrigue, but also of love and courage, and they will fall in love with the authenticity of each character that appears in it. If what you want is a
summer of strong emotions‘The Bone Thief’ is the book you need.

What’s wrong with you?, Megan Maxwell

What’s wrong with you?, Megan Maxwell

let believe in love after the death of his wife, but fate has other plans for him that come hand in hand with the shooting of his new film in Spain. And that turn of fate is called Andrea. Together they will star in a romantic and erotic comedy of those that make you daydream.

Megan Maxwell has shown on numerous occasions that she is unrivaled in the world of
romantic and erotic novel, and this new book that is perfect for summer reaffirms it. Hopeless romantics have an unavoidable date this holiday with Nacho, Andrea and the entire universe they have created for them.

The other beast, Ana Rujas

The other beast, Ana Rujas

Awkward, deep, tender and,
especially, sincere. This is ‘The Other Bestia’, the first book by actress Ana Rujas in which she pours into her pages all the whirlwind of feelings, thoughts and emotions that run through her head day after day. A book to discover humanity in all its splendor and that will most likely break your heart more than once (you know what they say, who warns is not a traitor).

If you want a book that goes directly to the depths of you, that moves you, that violates you and, ultimately, that makes you explore your emotions, ‘The Other Beast’ is all you need. This summer give yourself the opportunity to meet Ana Rujas and, in the process, to
meet you toobecause their truth will question yours.

The wind knows my name, Isabel Allende

The wind knows my name, Isabel Allende

After losing his father on the Night of Broken Glass, Samuel is put on a train to England by his mother to flee Nazi Austria. 80 years later, Anita lives a similar situation, this time looking for the security in the United States that she does not find in El Salvador. Both children, although separated in time,
share the pain of uprootingand her parents, the pain of love that knows that it is better to let go than to hold on if it means hurting.

Situations not very disparate with a considerable temporal separation and, nevertheless, capable of
evoke the same feelings in those who approach her. Isabel Allende’s literary mastery is exposed once again in this work that will move you and bring tears to your eyes this summer.
