The three exercises to have buttocks of steel recommended by coach Lukasz Dzwiga


Sara Flamenco

Over the years and the
hormonal changes that are presented to us, fat tends to accumulate in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs of women and the dreaded cartridge belts make their appearance. It depends a lot on your genetics and your diet, but even if you eat a healthy diet, we don’t get rid of any hormonal fluctuations, and what used to be some
strong and slim legs they begin to look more rounded and droopy.

To defy the passage of time or at least reduce its effects, the
physical exercise it is essential. In addition to doing some kind of sport
cardiovascularsuch as running, if you want to eliminate fat from the area of ​​​​the
buttocks and to strengthen them, it is necessary to incorporate a series of specific exercises for this area into your routine.

David Lloyd’s trainer The Estate Lukasz Dzwiga has recommended us
three exercises made with our own body weight that will achieve that we get some
buttocks steel progressively. Of course, over time it may be necessary to add some weight or increase the number of repetitions to continue seeing results.

First we are going to tell you what these consist of
easy exercises (and what you can do at home) that Lukasz Dzwiga recommends and then we show you the routine that you must follow for several weeks to notice changes in your body, one of the objectives that many of us pursue.

The three exercises recommended by coach Lukasz Dzwiga to have glutes of steel

Single Leg Hip Thrust

Lukasz Dzwiga performing the hip thrust on one leg. / David Lloyd.

How it’s done: sit on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight, resting your back on a bench, chair, bed or raised step. Raise your hips with your straight leg until your knee is at a 90 degree angle and your shoulder, hip, and knee are in line. Hold the position for 2 seconds at the top, squeezing the gluteus and lower the hip back to the ground, keeping the leg straight.

Glute Focused Bulgarian Squat

Lukasz Dzwiga performing the Bulgarian squat. / David Lloyd.

How it’s done: Stand with your back to a raised bench with one foot flat on the floor and the other on the bench with a large distance between them. The foot of the bench is used exclusively as support since all the force must be generated with the heel of the front leg. Then lower as deep as you can with the hip of the front leg and come back up generating force with the front leg keeping your back straight and your torso leaning slightly forward.

sumo squat

Lukasz Dzwiga performing the sumo squat. / David Lloyd.

How it’s done: Spread your legs so that your heels are about shoulder-width apart, and stand your feet out at a 45-degree angle with your body. Begin the exercise by pulling the buttock back with the hip and lower until it is at the height and even below the knees. Once you reach the bottom, pause for 2 seconds without moving, and maintain tension in your core and legs before going up generating force with your own legs, without lifting your heels.

Exercise table recommended by Lukasz Dzwiga to have glutes of steel

– Week 1 and 2

You should do two days of training with another two days of rest in between. Three series of each exercise are performed resting 75 seconds between each series:

1. Hip Thrust on one leg: 10 repetitions

2. Bulgarian squat: 10 repetitions

3. Sumo squat: 15 repetitions

– Week 3 and 4

You should do two days of training with another two days of rest in between. Three series of each exercise are performed resting 60 seconds between each series:

1. Hip Thrust on one leg: 15 repetitions

2. Bulgarian squat: 15 repetitions

3. Sumo squat:- 20 repetitions

– Week 5 and 6

You should do three training days with a rest day in between. Three series of each exercise are performed resting 60 seconds between each series:

1. Hip Thrust on one leg: 15 repetitions

2. Bulgarian squat: 15 repetitions

3. Sumo squat: 20 repetitions

Woman doing exercises to strengthen the buttocks. /

Image by halayalex on Freepik.

– Week 7 and 8

You should do three training days with a rest day in between. Three series of each exercise are performed resting 60 seconds between each series:

1. Hip Thrust on one leg: 20 repetitions

2. Bulgarian squat: 20 repetitions

3. Sumo squat: 25 repetitions

– Week 9 and 10

You should do three training days with a rest day in between. Four series of each exercise are performed resting 45 seconds between each series:

1. Hip Thrust on one leg: 20 repetitions

2. Bulgarian squat: 20 repetitions

3. Sumo squat: 25 repetitions

– Week 11 and 12

You should do three training days with a rest day in between. Four series of each exercise are performed resting 45 seconds between each series:

1. Hip Thrust on one leg: 25 repetitions

2. Bulgarian squat: 25 repetitions

3. Sumo squat: 30 repetitions
