Cases in which it is not advisable to pay with Bizum


The law does not oblige establishments to charge with Bizum, but many stores opt for this payment method. The OCU warns about possible inconveniences such as the impossibility of revoking the payment.

A typical situation: it’s time to ask for the bill on a terrace and chaos ensues. How many beers has each had? Who has not asked for anything to eat? Is there a friend who has left before and has already paid his part? Faced with this event, so common, there are more and more solutions: In many establishments you can already pay with Bizum and thus divide the bill, but is it recommended?

The OCU spokesman, Enrique GarcĂ­a, has spoken on this issue interviewed on TVE. In his statements he has assured that payment by card and other means as Bizum has widespread after the pandemic. The reason is a reduction in costs for locals.

However, “There is nothing regulated in this regard and it is up to each store to charge with Bizum“, has clarified the spokesman. In this sense, If the premises allow it, it will establish under what conditions it is possible. Although the OCU calls for common sense “fractioning by 4 is reasonable and not by 50“, For example.

Restaurants and bars are therefore not obliged to charge for Bizum. But they must offer a card if the payment exceeds 30 euros, and always the option of cash.

However, regarding the payment by Bizum, the OCU warns about possible inconveniences.

“This application has the advantage of being an immediate transfer, but also drawbacks how is it irrevocable. For this reason, it is not recommended to buy over the Internet with third parties that you do not know, because they will not return it to you if there is a problem.a”, explains the spokesman.

If there is any problem with the payment, any error, you can be left without the money. Besides, you have to be aware of scams related to this payment method. It is not the first time that a person has been brought to justice for receiving a Bizum that came from stolen money.

What does the law say about payments by Bizum? Do I have to declare them?

From a tax point of view, transactions carried out through Bizum are subject to tax and must be reported to the Tax Agency. If the payments made exceed 10,000 euros in a year, it is mandatory to declare them to the tax authorities. Failure to declare these payments may cause Fines ranging from 600 euros to 50% of the amount of the transaction.

Remember that, in addition to complying with tax legislation, it is important to use Bizum safely and responsiblyas stated by the OCU, avoiding transactions with strangers and protecting the privacy of personal and financial information.
