Wall ball, the easy exercise to strengthen glutes, core and biceps after 40


Tamara Villa

wall ball exercise It’s a full-body functional movement that you can add to any strength or cardio workout. This explosive movement is usually done as part of a CrossFit workout. However, due to the results it produces, it has become a fixture in most gyms.

It is an exercise in
high intensity compound movement It requires maximum effort from a large number of muscles in your body. Also known as the ball wall squat, this move requires the powerful muscles of the lower body to squat while the muscles of the upper body contract to execute the push and press phase as you throw a ball against a ball. wall.

To perform this move, you’ll need access to a large wall and a weighted ball. He
standard wall ball exercise requires you to face the wall. However, several variations change your body position to challenge different muscle groups.

What kind of ball should you use?

wall ball it’s different from a medicine ball, which is smaller, harder, and not designed to be thrown against a wall. It is also different from a slam ball, which is heavier, typically made of rubber, and designed to be thrown into the ground. Choosing the right type of ball not only makes the exercise more effective, but also decreases the risk of injury.

With that in mind, using a
ball made specifically for this exercise it’s the best way to go when pumping multiple sets of reps. Wall balls are usually made of vinyl, with a cushioned outer shell that makes them easier to catch. They come in a variety of weights, generally ranging from 3 to 7 kilos.

When it comes to choosing the right weight for the
wall balls, the first thing to look at is your core and upper body. The ball should be heavy enough to make the exercise challenging, but light enough not to compromise technique.

In other words,
start with something light and progress to a heavier ball as you master the movement. Beginners can start with a lighter weight of about 7 pounds, while advanced fitness levels may want to try 12 pounds or more.

What do you work on the Wall ball exercise

The wall ball exercise offers a
wide variety of benefits and works almost every muscle group in your body. It also allows you to move your body in all planes of motion: front to back, side to side, and rotation. It engages multiple muscle groups including the following: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, back, chest, biceps, triceps, and core.

wall ball squat exercise it increases your heart rate, making it a great way to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness and also burn calories. It also helps increase your explosive power, which is a necessary component of many sporting activities. Additionally, performing this move can improve your hand-eye coordination and increase your throwing skills and accuracy.

Woman sitting on ball. /PEXELS

How the standard wall ball is made

The first thing is to choose the wall ball with
the right weight and hold it in your hands. Stand about a meter from the wall with your feet hip-width apart and your toes turned slightly out. Hold the ball at chest height. Be sure to tuck your elbows into your sides.

Engage your core and squeeze the ball. The more you squeeze the ball, the more your core and shoulders engage. Starts
the descending phase of the squat while keeping the ball at chest level. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then raise your body as you throw the ball to a vertical target in front of you.

Keep your arms extended and catch the ball after it bounces. Keep the ball at chest height and squat down to repeat the exercise. Perform between 10 and 15 repetitions for 2 or 3 complete series. You can also use a timer to do the drill for 30 seconds and complete as many throws as you can.

Is about
a medium level exercise that can complement any training or strength training circuit and is perfect to do from the age of 40 if you want to add a plus to your routine. If you want to challenge your muscles even more, you can try different variations of the standard ball wall squat or gradually increase the weight of the ball.
