Dynamic Pilates, the most fun exercise to lose weight and work the core


Tamara Villa

If you are involved in the world of Pilates, you may have heard of a more physical variant. Is called
dynamic pilates and it is a way to take your exercise to another level. That means you’ll work harder, burn more calories, strengthen your core, and improve posture. Don’t you think it’s great?

The so-called Pilates Principles give an overview of what Pilates is. originally existed
six fundamental principleshowever, and as it has evolved, there have been additions to the list. These principles refer to breathing, concentration, control, awareness, precision, core, connection, coordination and resistance.

Basically, what you work on in Pilates is the commitment to yourself, the focus, the control you have over your body, the
movement with a goalthe correct alignment of your body, the efficiency, flexibility and strength of your movements, the muscles of your core, controlled breathing and physical form through challenging sequences.

Like contemporary or classic Pilates, Dynamic Pilates incorporates these principles into its practice. Both forms target the core muscles to drive movement throughout the rest of the body. These principles enhance the
strength, flexibility and posture. All of this keeps the body mobile and reduces the risk of injury while building lean muscle.

What is dynamic Pilates

Dynamic Pilates takes this a step further. This technique is based on the principle of «
isolation and fatigue stretching«. This combination of traditional Pilates is transformed into a more intense or dynamic method to develop lean and toned muscles. It places more emphasis on the physical.

Woman doing Pilates/PEXELS

Is about
more demanding sessions, fitness-based and results-oriented that provides a satisfying low-impact Pilates workout that also incorporates the basic principles. It also allows the flexibility and creativity of the instructor to create more varied and effective classes.

Practice flows from one exercise to another without following a fixed repertoire. Dynamic Pilates allows some flexibility in the postures and movements to be developed and the
use of non-traditional accessoriessuch as dumbbells, BOSU balls and even resistance bands. Things you have in any gym.

Creativity, fun and work

There is one thing that makes dynamic Pilates something very special, and it is the
creativity, which will finally lead you to something fundamental: you will never get bored! With that you will get more and more desire to repeat sessions and, most importantly, to work your physique more intensely and satisfactorily.

In a dynamic Pilates session you will be moving at a fairly fast pace, which means that
the transition between exercises is quick, but without compromising the fundamental basics of Pilates. Because after all, it’s about Pilates, not a gym exercise table.

Keep in mind that you may have
HiiT based sessions, high-intensity interval training, something that makes you really sweat. That gives you an idea of ​​how far the physical aspect is worked on. All workouts are focused on core and engaging that mind-body connection while having fun doing it.

So now you know. Pilates
it is not something static which comes down to movements and connection. If what you are looking for is to maintain the benefits but add a plus of physical work that works your core and burn more calories to keep your weight at bay, investigate the possibility of switching to dynamic Pilates. Maybe it’s what you were looking for to go up to another level.
