Running for beginners: 5 strength exercises you should do if you want to start running


Sara Flamenco

There are many people who, when considering turning their lives around and incorporating the
sport in their day to day, they choose the
running as main activity. Because? It is cheap, effective and we have the belief that
we all know how to run. Mistake. As with everything, learning to run has its crumbs and it is normal to make small mistakes at the beginning, which does not mean that you cannot do it even
even if you’re over 50.

To begin with, if you want to get started in the world of
running you shouldn’t forget to condition your muscles with
strength Training, since this activity makes your body have to work more. And not only at level
cardiovascularputting the heart and lungs to the limit, but also increases the work of the
muscles of the legs and trunk

If you don’t prepare your body for the
runningyou could injure yourself as soon as you start, which would lead you to abandon it without beginning to notice its
benefits. The best? go for a run in
alternating days to let your muscles recover and perform some simple
strength exercises the days you don’t go running.

We have designed a simple
five exercise workout for which you will not need any type of material. With the passage of time you could incorporate some tool like b
resistance bands, bars, dumbbells or kettlebells, but only with your own body weight they are already effective. Also, they only last
15 minutes so the excuse of lack of time is not worth it. You can go on inventing another one.

Strength training to start running. /

Photo by Morgan Sarkissian on Unsplash.

Strength exercises for novice runners

1. Squats

This simple exercise helps develop arm strength.
thighs and the
buttocks and improves ankle flexibility. It will be enough to carry out two series of
between 10 and 15 repetitions.

Stand up with the
feet apart a little more than hip-width apart with feet pointed slightly outward and shoulders
joined hands on the front of the chest. Next, bend your knees and push your buttocks back as if you were going to sit on a
imaginary chairuntil the thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat.

2. Glute Bridge

This exercise helps to strengthen the
buttocks and the
hamstrings It will be enough to carry out two series of
between 8 and 12 repetitions or alternate repetitions.

lie down
face up with the knees bent, the soles of the feet resting on the floor and the arms crossed on the chest or on the floor. Raise your pelvis without arching your back, hold the position for
5 seconds, then lower and repeat.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash.

You can also perform gluteal bridges with
one leg only From the elevated pelvis position, lift
alternatively each foot a few inches off the ground, keeping your knee bent making sure you
the pelvis is level and stable.

3. Lunge forward

This exercise improves the strength of the
quadricepsbalance and
pelvic stability. Two sets of
between 10 and 12 repetitions per leg.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
hips and take a step forward
stride, bending the front knee to 90 degrees and bringing the back knee to the ground. keep the
aligned torso on the hips. Pause and come back up with your front foot until you are standing.

4. Calf raise

This simple exercise strengthens the
twins and the
ankles. It will be enough to do three series of
15 repetitions with knees straight and bent. if you do it with
one leg you can do only two sets.

Strength exercises to start running. /

Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.

Stand with the front half of your feet on a
step, heels floating and knees straight. Climb on the
tips of your fingers, pause, and then
go down as much as you can (so that the heels are below the level of the step). That’s a repeat.

Continue until you complete the
series and repeat the same exercise with the knees slightly
flexed. If this exercise seems too easy for you, you can do it with one leg at a time.

5. Touch with the balls of the feet

This exercise improves the stability of the
core (keeping the spine neutral). Two sets of
between 10 and 12 repetitions.

With the spine in position
neutralbring both knees up so that the hips and knees are bent at 90 degrees, with arms
crusaders on the chest. Tuck your navel in, slightly tensing the lower part of the
abdomen. Lower one foot until it touches the ground and touch the ground with the toes making force with the toes.
ABS and without arching your back. She brings her leg back up and the other foot down. When you can do it
with control, extend the straight leg as it goes down and move to touch the heel down.
