Set your own economic goals with Financial Manager


If your economy was not very good in 2012, it may be that one of your resolutions for the new year is to spend less and manage your money better. Well then, Financial Manager is an app that helps you do just that.

Install Financial Manager on your mobile

Install the app from the Google Play Store. Go to the list of apps on your smartphone and open it. It will ask you to enter your name to start and you will also have to enter the details of each of your bank accounts.

Financial Manager

Mark your “financial goals”

Financial Manager helps you set goals in terms of your personal or family finances. To do this, you have to click on New goal and enter the data related to it. The most important thing in this step is the category, that is, the specific type of expense that you want to restrict, such as your credit card.

Financial Manager

Set your goal values

Set a value for the Goal, in this case, a maximum monthly expense that you expect to make on your credit card. The alert level indicates the importance of controlling this goal.

Financial Manager

Add more participants in Financial Manager

If you just start using the application, the wizard asks you to enter your name, later you can add others participantsfor example, all the members of your family, and also have their expenses controlled.

Financial Manager

Check that you do not exceed your economic possibilities

Now the progress bar that appears on the main screen is empty but, as the month goes by, you will be able to see how your expenses are getting closer to the goal you have set and you will be alert not to exceed your limit.

Financial Manager
